New York Sports Betting Special Offer: Double Your Money if Knicks or Celtics Score a Point (DraftKings Sportsbook)

Online sports betting is officially live in New York as of Saturday, January 8th! To mark the occasion, DraftKings Sportsbook has put together an exciting special offer — bettors can double their money if the Knicks or Celtics score a single point when they play on Saturday (7:30pm ET). Every NBA game in history has had at least 1 point scored so this offer is a no-brainer!

Double Your Money if Knicks or Celtics Score a Point at DraftKings >>

Promotion Details for Knicks vs. Celtics

Here’s how to cash in on the promotion. ALL users in New York can participate!

  1. Create or sign in to your DraftKings Sportsbook account.
  2. Opt-in to the promotion. You’ll receive a single-use Odds Boost for the promotion!
  3. Bet up to $25. Before you put your money down, make sure that you select the boost in your bet slip!
  4. Make sure that you put your money down before the teams play on Saturday evening (7:30pm ET).
  5. As long as a point is scored during the game, you’ll double your money!

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